Sunday, December 9, 2007

Follow-up re: Amazon's brain improvement tool

This is a follow-up post to Leslie's query about the Kindle. I think I agree with this commentary at The American Prospect. (And I am really loosing my luddite edge--which would be a blunt edge, I guess... I just figured out how to put a link in a post!) Be well!


bwhawk said...

Thanks for the link, MLP. Interesting thoughts, that I'm sure I'll be mulling around in my mind for a while. I think the most telling (and ominous) statement is this: "But the mind offered isn't ours, it's the hive's."

MLP said...

I too found that comment arresting, but note that it was a comment about the web-based, google and wiki genre, not about Amazon's 'shiny new ebrain.' So I'm keeping Kindle on my Christmas list (for 2009 or 2010--after the bugs are worked out and the price comes down).